Orientation days for new students
New students will be required to attend for 2 hours during these 2 days.
New students will be required to attend for 2 hours during these 2 days.
New students will be required to attend 2 hours for these 2 days.
New Parents will attend an information session with their child's teacher at the following times and dates: Aug. 26 from 5:30-6:30 pm Butterfly Room, Ms. Nina
All returning CMS students will return to school on this day. New students will be phased in Aug. 31, and Sept. 1.
students new to CMS will be phased in from Aug. 31 to Sept. 1. Their orientation days are Aug. 25 and 26, but their 'official' start date will either be Aug. 31 or Sept. 1.
NO SCHOOL for ALL CMS students.
Individual and class pictures will be taken from 8:30-11:30 on this day.
All children are required to be picked up by 11:30 on our Early release days, which are usually on the last Wedsnesday of the month. Staff Meeting . There is no childcare for children aftr 11:30 on this day, due to Covid procedures.